Quality and Waterproof Effect Testing Methods for Tarpaulin

Methods to quickly test the quality of tarpaulin

Tarpaulin is a waterproof material with high strength, good toughness, and flexibility. It is often used as sailcloth (oil tarpaulin), polyester with polyurethane coating, or made into polyethylene plastic. So what is the method to quickly test the quality?

  • Observe the density, which means checking the latitude and longitude of the product. If the density of the tarpaulin is higher and more compact, it means the quality is better.

  • Observe the roughness of the surface. In the selection process, just feel the surface of the tarpaulin by hand, and experienced people can judge the raw materials used based on different sensations.

  • Test the product's performance. The key role of tarpaulin is waterproofing. We can pour water on the surface, and if the water does not penetrate into the tarpaulin, it means the quality is up to standard.

Tarpaulin is suitable for picnics and outdoor activities, where it can provide ideal protection against sunlight and rain. It can also resistant to ultraviolet rays, which protects valuable goods such as grain, cotton, fertilizers, and chemicals from dampness and heat, fully protecting the items.

PVC Tarpaulin

Methods to test the waterproof effect of tarpaulin

When we use tarpaulin, its general purpose is to prevent rainwater. Then, how should we test its waterproof effect when selecting this type of product? What should we pay attention to when using this type of product?

When identifying the waterproof effect of tarpaulin, pay attention to whether it leaks. This is also the most intuitive way to test the quality of tarpaulin.

Secondly, when storing tarpaulin, avoid sharp corners or objects that could cause damage, which may affect its use. If the tarpaulin is moldy, use a sponge with a little cleaner to gently brush away the mold, and then let it dry.

Another important issue is that after the tarpaulin has been placed for a period of time, it should be taken out and dried to prevent bacterial growth and corrosion of the tarpaulin. After use, remember to hang the tent to air dry. If the tarpaulin has a lot of stains, just use cold water to gently scrub it. Do not use chemical detergents or brush it with force as it will damage the surface's waterproof film and affect its effectiveness.

PVC Fabric

Regulations for packing and managing tarpaulin in the cargo yard

The cargo yard is a place where waterproof tarpaulin is used in large quantities without any clear management rules, it might cause disorder, which is not conducive to the collection and management of tarpaulin or goods storage. Therefore, the cargo yard should manage the packaging cloth according to the following specific regulations:

  • Clarify the purpose of waterproof tarpaulin: It should only be used to protect goods that are prone to dampness and are easily flammable and damaged, and safety protection measures should be taken.

  • Timely inspection: Check the moisture-proof condition of the entire base to ensure that there is no calibration error. Investigate damaged tarpaulin, contact relevant personnel for maintenance, and stop using tarpaulin that has been scrapped for disposal.

  • Management personnel: Packaged cloth management work is assigned to a dedicated person, and enterprise transportation personnel and loading and unloading workers work together to collect, sort, fold, dry, and cover the moisture-proof packaged cloth.

The management system of tarpaulin has a clear effect in regulating the order of the cargo yard, ensuring its maintenance, extending its lifespan, reducing the outflow of funds in the cargo yard.

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